GTA 6 trailer surpasses 150 million views and breaks YouTube

The GTA 6 trailer garnered 150 million views within 11 days of its release. Video game enthusiasts worldwide are buzzing with excitement as the trailer for Grand Theft Auto 6 (GTA 6) takes the internet by storm. In just 11 days post-launch, the trailer has amassed a staggering 150 million views, surpassing the iconic GTA 5’s 106 million views recorded over several years since its 2013 release.

GTA 6 trailer surpasses 150 million views and breaks YouTube

The numbers don’t lie. GTA 6 trailer has achieved a monumental feat by reaching 150 million views within a mere 11 days.

A Leap Ahead of GTA 5

Comparing it to its predecessor, GTA 5, which took years to accumulate 106 million views, GTA 6 has shattered expectations in a fraction of the time.

Likes Galore

Not only are fans watching, but they are also expressing their approval. The trailer has received a whopping 10 million likes, with 500,000 likes pouring in even before its official release.

Pre-release Hype

The anticipation was palpable. Half a million likes before the trailer dropped indicates the level of excitement and faith the community has in the franchise.

Breaking Records GTA 6

Surpassing Mr. Beast

GTA 6 doesn’t stop at views; it has clinched the title of the most-watched non-musical YouTube video within 24 hours of release, toppling even the renowned Mr. Beast.

YouTube Domination

The gaming world witnessed the trailer’s unparalleled success as it dominated YouTube, leaving other content creators in its wake.

Record-Breaking Pace

The breakneck speed at which GTA 6 achieved these records is a testament to the franchise’s enduring popularity and the intense anticipation surrounding the next installment.

Release Date Tease

While the trailer sates our visual appetite, the absence of an exact release date adds to the suspense, keeping fans on the edge of their seats.

The Future of Gaming: 2025 and Beyond

Next-Gen Platforms

GTA 6 is gearing up for a groundbreaking release on PS5 and Xbox Series in 2025, promising an immersive gaming experience on next-gen consoles.

Mysterious Release Date

The lack of a specific release date adds an air of mystery, heightening the anticipation among fans.

PC Gamers Left Hanging

Unfortunately for PC gamers, there’s no confirmed release date for a PC version, leaving a segment of the gaming community in suspense.

Navigating the Unknown

Rockstar Games keeps the audience guessing, playing the game of expectation to perfection as the hype for GTA 6 continues to build.


In the ever-evolving landscape of gaming, the GTA 6 trailer has emerged as a force to be reckoned with. Its record-breaking views, likes, and speed of achievement underscore the unwavering allure of the Grand Theft Auto series. As the countdown to 2025 begins, gamers worldwide find themselves caught in the web of anticipation, eagerly awaiting the next chapter in this iconic saga.

FAQs: GTA 6 Trailer Unveiled

  1. When is GTA 6 set to be released?
    • A: The release is slated for 2025 on PS5 and Xbox Series, but no specific date has been announced.
  2. Why is there no PC release date mentioned?
    • A: Rockstar Games has not provided information on a PC version’s release date, leaving PC gamers in suspense.
  3. How did the GTA 6 trailer perform compared to GTA 5?
    • A: In just 11 days, GTA 6’s trailer garnered 150 million views, surpassing GTA 5’s 106 million views over several years.
  4. What record did GTA 6 break on YouTube?
    • A: The trailer became the most-watched non-musical video on YouTube within 24 hours, surpassing Mr. Beast’s record.
  5. How many likes did the GTA 6 trailer receive before its official release?
    • A: The trailer amassed 500,000 likes before its official release, showcasing the fervent pre-release hype.

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